4.ATMT Tokenomics
AiPTP - $ATMT total supply:100,000,000
Last updated
AiPTP - $ATMT total supply:100,000,000
Last updated
The latest total supply: 50,929,778.45;total burnt: 49,070,222.00
Check solscan:https://solscan.io/token/6tCvMBJiGSsDQghZ54HqaizvydBH6vaugxuxTE7wKUG8
The distribution is as the picture above
*About the BRC20 $ATMT:
The BRC20 Tokens will be mapped/wrapped to the Base/Solana after $ATMT token launched.
*About Layer AI Chain mining:
The Layer AI Chain (Bitcoin L2) mining will be voted by the holders of $ATMT
ATMT Usecases
1) Gas fee
2) Staking of Layer AI Chain network
3) Be bought back by the profit of Artificial Intelligence Block
4) Voting(DAO)
5๏ผOthers like exchanging, paying, investing, etc.